This was a pretty fun weekend. Ck4 came down on Friday afternoon to hang out because he had to catch a plane on Saturday morning and we are close to the airport. We taxied to Xfinity Live to watch the Phillies home opener. We met up with some people and it was an enjoyable experience. I will add that after securing a table after a ballgame, it was a bad idea to get up and leave because there is no returning. The night was fairly standard with us going out in Philly although sending CK4 to the Stortz building without the alarm code was moronic by me. Alcohol and planning don’t go together.
I woke up on Saturday feeling pretty out of it. Jeff and a few others were looking to play basketball at noon which was too early and I passed on that opportunity. The rest of the day was spent playing N64 and watching the basketball games with Shee and Evan. Jkash spent the night and I’m sure he’ll read this with approval because the only time he says I write a good entry is when his name appears. I woke up on Sunday and drove him back and slept for 2 more hours until Jeff and Steve got back. Pat showed up later and we were preparing for our golf round which proved to be the highlight of the weekend.
Jeff booked a tee time for 3:09 at Riverwinds which is only 20 minutes away from where we live and probably the nearest, best, public course. None of us had hit a golf ball this season so we wanted to arrive early and shag a few balls. There was no driving range so we hit a few balls into a net and wearily made out way to the first tee box. The wind was pretty severe and the first hole is a long par 5 that was intimidating to say the least. I rocketed one down the middle, Pat shanked one left, Steve hit a missile which shocked everyone, and Jeff duck hooked one in the drink. I think we were all pretty pleased for at least making contact. The odd thing about the day is that neither Jeff or Steve had eaten anything all day and I only had a bowl of chicken noodle soup. The cart girl ran out of hot dogs and we didn’t see her for the entire round. Even with everyone not feeling great physically, we trudged through the round and had a good time. By 18 we were complete spent and eagerly anticipated a luxurious meal at the Riverwinds restaurant. We were a bit out of place in the restaurant but it hit the spot and that concluded our Sunday.
I know most people don’t care but here is my review of The Riverwinds course. First of all, it didn’t look like this which was to be expected in early April.

The course was really dry when we played and the wind was absolutely noticeable. We played from the whites and I found it to be relatively short under the conditions. I was going driver, high iron most of the time into the greens but from the blues I’m sure this would be different. I hit the ball pretty good all day but even my bad drives were making it able to get the green in regulation. The greens were slick but ran true. I putted extremely well for the first round out and only gave away 2 strokes on short putts. I lost a total of 3 balls which should give some indication of how open the course is. Hole 17 is a tricky little hole that was marked at 115. It is downhill and the wind was really gusting in our face. I assumed the downhill would compensate for the wind so I hit my sand wedge and it popped up in the air and probably went a total of 60 yards plopping into the shit. I think this course would be much nicer once it flushes out because the ball was rolling like crazy in this condition. All in all I think the course played well. I’d give it a 7 out of 10.