I’ve noticed the days getting longer and weather getting warmer. Both make me happier. This made me think of all the people who say, “you appreciate the nice weather more when you go through winter instead of if you live in an area that was nice all the time.” To those people I say, “you’re flat out wrong“.

winter sucksI can’t stand the winter. Walking to my ice cold car in freezing temperatures and sitting in the arctic for 5 minutes until my car warms up sucks. Shoveling foot after foot of snow until my back hurts isn’t good for my well being. Feeling my frostbitten foot go numb sitting INSIDE is not what I consider fun. Christ, even the McGraths, almost, beat us in basketball because of the slippery conditions.

IslandLife_2If I could move to a location that was always nice, I think I would. I genuinely feel better knowing that I can go for a run outside and enjoy it instead of freezing my tail off. I don’t get depressed drinking after work at 7pm when it’s light out when compared to 5pm in the dark. It’s night and day. Sure I’ll turn into a lush and I’ll start complaining how I can’t survive with all of the partying going on but that’s the way life is. Why is Rocko trying to kill us? BECAUSE THAT’S HOW LIFE IS.