I just felt like checking in so my weekend readers have something to do.  I’m playing golf today which should be entertaining because we have a nice foursome lined up.  I have the 10k Mud Run going on tomorrow which I”m pretty excited for.  Last year I took 3rd somehow and I think I’m in a bit better shape this year.  I had a few beers last night but I don’t think that will effect me too much.  I’ll post tomorrow with results and hopefully have a picture of two for the blog. I’m probably going to finish up the second season of Sopranos tonight than get working on the second Game of Thrones book which I started a day or two ago.

I was a bit surprised by the outcome of the poll. To see it has mixed results so I’m pretty sure it means its a good topic to argue. My opinion is that the question has to be a bit more specific to get better answers. I think to the individual, perception is reality. They don’t know it’s not reality. Their perception becomes their reality. For example, I think Jamaal Charles it he best RB in the NFL. To me it’s true. Stats might suggest otherwise but my perception is my reality. I think anyone who believes in God and didn’t answer “yes” to perception is reality is a bit misguided. So all you god fearing people who answered “no”, you are basically saying that reality is reality but I also believe in things that may not be reality which would mean that perception is reality. I’m just confusing myself now and I’m not sure that’s even a valid point but I’m not going to think about it any longer.