I’m going to use this About Me page to write about me.
I’m 34 and single.
- I have a finance degree from Univ of Pittsburgh.
- I’ve had this blog for over 8 years now and enjoy expressing my thoughts in it.
- The blog drives me to learn other skills like Photoshop and improving my writing.
- I like football, basketball, and even have branched off to liking soccer (a little).
- I’m competitive but know how to lose and don’t always care about winning.
- I use my time to further increase my ability to grow as a human being by understanding how to listen and get work done.
- I exercise regularly by running and have curtailed my drinking which has gotten me in trouble in the past. I wish I could say alcohol will not influence poor decisions in the future but that would be a lie.
- Honesty is one of my best qualities that I continue to improve.
hello from Humboldt county!
I am a student at the college and I randomly found your blog. Anyways, I am just messaging you to send you good energy and to tell you that random people really do look at your blog and its awesome you spend so much time doing what you love. I hope that you are having a wonderful day. I am taking a break from my massive list of homework to spread this energy your way! Wherever you are from and wherever you are , enjoy the present moment. You were given the present of life so be present within the world.
Alright Peace out Dude,
Rachael Luster