It’s 10:56 on a Thursday night and I’m sitting in a multi-million dollar beach house in Avalon, NJ typing away this blog entry. I ate 13 green grapes that made my upper left molars hurt because I must have a cavity that Dr. Paul recently (unsuccessfully) filled. I even googled “molar” to make sure I was identifying the spot properly.
I’m leaving Avalon early tomorrow morning to go to work for the day and get my life back in order after 6 days of no responsibilities. I didn’t drink much all weekend aside from Saturday which was the night of the wedding. I went for runs almost every day, ate well, and feel good. It’s cliche but I feel “refreshed”.
Neither Laura or I brought contact solution and we relied on Sam (who brought a thimble’s worth) and my eyes are blurry and I have to decide whether to sleep in them a second night in a row. I’m leaning towards yes.
I get a feeling of emptiness when the vacation comes to an end. Anticipation builds, you live the vacation, and then it’s over. I remember thinking on Monday how awesome it was to have this time to relax and now I sit here on Thursday night blogging about a relatively uneventful vacation. This is either maturing or redefining fun.
I didn’t wake up with hangovers. I had time to read. I did crossword puzzles. I did Sudoku. I studied some German. I spent time with family. Nothing extravagant.
Now I have the urge to go back to work and make money. My life is tight when my work is right. I just made that up but after I wrote it, I felt like I should bold it. There’s only so much relaxing I can do. I did not think about work aside from a few thoughts so I’m pretty happy with coming back clear.
To sum up everything, I’m sad vacation is over. I’m happy to go back to work. Go figure.
Look at this picture. I’ve been in the real world for a year or so but already see it. I think it’s perfect.
Gourlay, you are amazing! Your ability to sum up my entire post in one image is noteworthy. You should be a blogger!
I know you’ll read this in a sarcasm voice but it was only a 2 out 10.×1080%20wallpaper_www.wall321.com_1.jpg
I’m making huge mistakes today in my communication. I meant that the rating on the sarcasm meter was only 2 out of 10. The comment was about a 9 out of 10.
I saw McKayla Maroney in the URL and I was hoping for a Fappening pic…