Cecily next to her doofus husband.

Cecily next to her doofus husband.

Cecily Tynan, the Philadelphia weather caster, was 43 when she won her age division last year competing in the Run the Bridge 10k. She was 51st overall with a time of 38:29 which averaged out to 6:10 miles. Sam sent me an email stating that I have to beat her. My response was a wimp out and said that I probably can’t and I might not even run. After running a few miles today, a different position has been taken.

A month ago I was gearing up for this 10k. I was routinely hitting 8-9 miles at paces that even though I didn’t time, I know were fast with some miles hitting under 6. I was feeling slim and for a race as short as 10k, I would have posted a fast time. Unfortunately I went against a cardinal rule and got myself injured. There was no one to blame this on but myself. I always say (at least to myself) that getting injured is the absolute worst thing you can do to yourself. If there is a part of your body that hurts, rest it, and come back when it feels better. I ignored this and a week previous to hurting my knee, I kept complaining that my knee hurt but I was still working out on it. Already tender, I played a football game and tweaked it to the point that it was seriously injured. I didn’t get an MRI, but did see a doctor and the diagnosis was that it was bruised or sprained and that rest was the best option. I’ve readily complied and have sat out 5 straight weeks of football and basketball. I’ve made various attempts to do some runs but each time I could feel my knee was ready to give way if I ever tried to do anything more than jog. With that back story in place, it brings upon today.

Today I went for a run and would say it was relatively painless. I still wasn’t able to hit full speed but I would guess I was hitting somewhere near 7 minute pace. All things considered, even if I’m not in my best shape, I still should have retained some of the strength I built from a month ago. With 4 more days rest until the race (I’m going to attempt a double header football game on Saturday which may exacerbate this situation), I should be ready to rock for the race. Which brings us to Cecily.

Under normal circumstances this isn’t even a consideration. My Broad St time beat her by over 2 minutes and it would only get wider in a 10k. However, I’m not at full strength and I have a feeling she doesn’t miss a beat. My goal would be 6:10 miles. If she runs faster than that, she’ll win. If I were a betting man, I’d probably give her a 75-25 edge. My ceiling is higher but my training is why behind. I hope I find her during the run and can start chatting her up. She’s obviously a dime at 44 and it would be fun to take her down at the finish line. I’d definitely make a picture or two. Hopefully it comes to that.


She didn’t have a shoe, an arm, or a shadow before I got done with her.