Wonderful video. My mind wasn’t mature enough to understand a video like this until now and it excites me to watch other videos from the group. These types of explanations can strike you different ways, at different times in your life. I may have agreed with the video 5 years ago (I’m aware it was made in 2010 but it’s a hypothetical point) but now I comprehend and see where the teacher is coming from and what direction he sees would be an improvement. The idea of conformity and teaching EVERYONE a specific way probably is not the best method in 2013. Everyone is unique and can grow and develop different ways. I’ve always been somewhat of an in the box thinker and I believe the education process teaches that. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve dismissed the ideas of conformity and doing what people expect, and have started to use my brain to make life happen the way I want it to happen. Breaking out of “the way it should be” mentality is necessary to do something that fulfills you. The biggest change for me now though is the empowering feeling I get from watching a video like this. 10 million people watched this video but how many of them will make an impact? The key difference between the 1% and everyone else is action and doing. Everyone can watch and nod their heads, but doing something about it is a completely different ballgame. This obviously doesn’t apply to just this video and education, but life as a whole.
I thought the young kids and attention drugs was spot on too. “Medication” is such a joke in this world and doctors profiting from prescribing drugs is the real motive behind this epidemic. I also thought the divergent thinking segment was fascinating when you think that kindergarten children are better at this than adults. I use a paper clip as an ear wax remover…
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