When you’re a one man show it’s hard to keep up with blog duties when you aren’t feeling 100%. Yesterday was a bit of an odd work day because we were helping out with one of my dad’s pet projects. He tore down a lot of “rubble” for lack of a better word from the upper floors of our building in the city. We rented a 30ft dumpster, which was also a process getting a permit (which we didn’t use), and I think the discussion of making this happened took weeks. So this process consisted of us filling barrels to somewhere between 50-100 lbs and then lugging them down flights of stairs and dumping them in the dumpster. This work was absolutely filthy and labor intensive. After the first hour I had sweat through my sweatshirt and I Jeff claimed “I looked like a raccoon or a drunk girl who’d been crying a puking and whose makeup was running.” This was coming off of a few days of drinking and after the work was completed at 5:30pm, let’s just say I wasn’t feeling great.

I came home, showered, and passed out for a few hours only to wake up and watch the Sixers and the end of the MNF game. My BarStool fanduel team was 1 point away from cashing for another 100 bucks. I’m up $317 in 2 weeks of playing with a strategy that has performed well in the past two weeks. I was having a hard time sleeping last night and awoke today feeling pretty yucky. I got through the day and just woke up from another 3 hour nap where I can say I’m feeling much better. I’ve been drinking tons of water and my eating schedule is almost back on track. To say that blogging was not a priority would be an understatement. I know the blog suffers from this but I don’t have much of a choice with a staff of one. Moving forward I should be able to get back to a more normal routine.