Lindsay Lohan to pose for Playboy.
I would consider walking in a store and buying this issue to see what she looks like. She’s been through a coke stage and I just can’t imagine she looks as hot as she did when she was around 20 in this picture. Airbrush will probably do her wonders but I would be really curious what kind of production they come up with for her. Let’s not forget Kim Kardashian posed for “tasteful” playboy and didn’t show any bush. Her pictures were pretty good but I feel like Lindsay’s pictorial should be her in the back of a dirty bathroom, doing lines of coke naked off of a toilet bowl. I have never bought a dirty magazine in my life but it’s not because I wouldn’t, it’s because the internet has every picture for free. I’d buy this magazine and leave it out on the coffee table just to bring about conversation to new guests. She’s obviously in desperate need of money and sunk to Playboy for a million dollars. Once her looks go, she won’t be asked for Playboy so now or never. You go girl!
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