Day 3 Stomach

Day 3
I’m starting to feel better again. Yesterday I turned in 4 miles at 23:20 which is 5:50 miles on a treadmill. It’s hard to put a true value on that because running on a treadmill has it’s time advantages considering it’s flat and all machines have different power for their speeds. I’m feeling much better though after 3 days of no alcohol. My brain actually functions properly and I feel, for no better way to put it, good. I’ll stay on track for the next couple days and then we’ll see where Friday leads.
After losing the pats bet on Monday I’m back to the sideline. -100 for the season and no real urge to make any wagers. The gambling gods will let me know if I should take any action in the next couple days. I haven’t been playing poker either as I’m taking a short break. I actually started reading the Associate by John Grisham. I wouldn’t say I’m a huge John Grisham fan, but I prefer his books over the cop-hunt-killer books. Other than that though, it’s go to work, go to the gym, go to sleep.
A quirky pet peeve of mine just to conclude on an unusual thought. My gas tank was pretty low and then the light came on. I don’t know about everyone else, but this just gives me this uneasy feeling. I know there are about 3 gallons of gas after the light so I can drive for about 50+ plus miles, but there is just something unsettling when this light comes on. Personally, I rarely let the light come on. When I see I’m getting even remotely close, I usually fill up. And I always fill it up. I don’t understand people who put in 5 dollars. You are just going to be back there in a day or two. Back to the light. The light is like a sense of urgency which is a feeling I try to avoid. Kramer would talk about the adrenaline rush from riding on E, but I prefer to be on the F. Being on F is like a feeling of well being and things are all right. No real point here other than if you like riding on E, our styles differ dramatically.
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