Here’s day two of what it looks like to burn off 50 beers in a couple days.

Day 2 stomach
I would like to think that I wouldn’t be putting up pictures of my stomach if I didn’t think there would be any interest to it. Also something to note, yes this is the same pair of boxers I wore yesterday but I assure you I did my wash yesterday and it just so happened that this pair came out on top in the folding process. If I have them on again tomorrow, then you can call me out on being dirty.
This brings me to something I’ve been thinking about lately. I plan on putting a little bit more effort to this blog and actually hoping to use it as a constructive measure of myself. What I mean is hopefully this will keep me on track to being better. A better person, better with my money, better in all aspects of life. I’ve been thinking this because I’ve been doing the same thing with my life year after year and I’m not really ever clearing that life altering hurdle. What brought this about was the latest episode of Californication. Basically Hank and Runkle get held at gunpoint and afterwards Charlie says “It’s like my life flashed in front of my eyes, like it was being fast forwarded on Tivo, and I realized ‘it was pathetic.’ This isn’t stemming from my depression comment yesterday or that I think my life sucks, but it’s just the same routine year after year and I have to mix it up or at least try something different. I can’t stand the boredom of sobriety, but the gambling and the drinking lead to a road to nowhere. Here’s to forward progress.
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