I recently replaced my 46″ Sony Bravia television that I bought a decade ago. I kid thee not, the picture quality of this TV and the brand new 48″ Samsung is virtually identical. The Sony probably cost me over a K back then and my new Samsung was only $450 which I thought was pretty cheap. The Bravia didn’t have many features, only HD channels. This new “smart” TV can watch Netflix but scanning the internet is an exercise in futility. For all intensive purposes, I didn’t have to replace my TV, but the time felt right. I’m going to give it to my mom who can use it for the Pocono House and extend its life span.

The TV replacement came hand in hand with a brand new driver I bought as well. I hit a Callaway XR at GolfSmith last season but didn’t pull the trigger because it was too expensive. I impulsively went to Dick’s a few weeks ago and found the same driver for $200 and figured it was time to replace the old Ping. Now, Louie plays Ping so it’s hard for me to go against the brand, but after so many hits with it, it had run its course. After the 2nd round I played with the new driver, it was clear I made the right choice. The control was tight, as I didn’t lose a ball off the tee in 2 rounds, and I was getting my distance back towards the end of my second round. Small sample size, but I’m hoping for the best.

Both of these items I replaced had been with me for between 5 and 10 years and served me well. Whatever I paid for them was elapsed many times over which is why I’m mostly a proponent of spending more on items that you intend to last you a long time.

Nice Jeans!

However, on that TV and driver, it was like I was getting rid of a part of me. Frankly this feeling didn’t last for more than 5 seconds as yanked the plug on the TV and gave the driver to Adam, but it did exist for a very brief moment. Oddly enough when I replace my bowling ball, it doesn’t carry the same emotional weight. Some items that I get attached to:

  • The pair of jeans I wear everyday
  • Running shoes that fit so well after I while that I hate to replace
  • Old golf cards with rounds that I played well
  • Replacing a hard drive