I buy my daily shower stuff at CVS. They always have a lot of brands to choose from and deals on different brands so it keeps things different. Sometimes Old Spice will be a two for 1, or Dial will be knocked down to 3 bucks. Suave is always the cheapest and is my usual go to because I can’t tell the difference between any of them. So I’m standing in front of the selections and Old Spice is 5.49 for some incredible “16 hour staying power.” The Dial is the same price but you get 18 oz instead of 16 oz. And the lowly Suave was a tad under 3. The Nivea was the brand on sale but it was a hair + body wash and I just have this thing that things you use in your hair should be different than soap on your body. So I went out on a limb and chose the Dial for the extra 2 oz’s. I’ve never used the Dial before so I’ll be sure to let you know how it performs. They also had these Arizona Arnold Palmers, 22oz, for $.99! Naturally they were all sold out and I couldn’t get my half and half fix. The half and half has become my drink of choice over any soda or water. I also noticed that this CVS keeps their store at 60 degrees and I walk in and it’s a shot of cold air. I was immediately uncomfortable and was deciding if I really wanted to be cold for the 5 minutes it takes me to get my stuff, but I chose to tough it out.
This part of the yearly cycle brings about ridiculous sun glare on my drive to and from work. I’m a firm believer in no sunglasses and not putting down the sun glare blocker. I’ve wrote before but I don’t understand the blocker because it covers half your windshield and the sun is still right in your face. The sun is so bad that it scares me that someone is going to be crossing the street thinking I’ll see them, but like Judas Priest said “they have another thing coming.” I like to throw in some random music lyrics that people probably have no idea because if you ever get a trivia question who sang the above song, you’ll now know.
I catch myself saying “that’s fine” all the time now and I’m doing my best to use other phrases. Amazingly everyone else uses it too. The phrase is so common place that I’m going to start using ridiculous terms to break it’s popularity. Whenever I find myself in these spots I go to the Thesaurus. Some of the better ones were dandy, swell, peachy, and hunky-dory. I’ll probably just use ok.
It looks like we may be entering a bball team this year without a center once again. If you are 6-4 or bigger and want to play in Ambler, or even know someone who may want to play, it could be helpful. Football starts tonight and I’m deciding whether to add funds to my bodog account. I haven’t made a bet since college bball so it’s been quite a while. I actually bet on the UFC one time since but whose counting. I think I’m leaning towards the points and the under, both of which are going off at -115. I have theorys on the -115, the juice becomes that because more people are betting on them, thus the handicappers offer less payout, and the public is generally wrong, so you should go with the other side. My thoughts are that teams are usually rusty week 1 and unders tend to be the play. I have no data to back my statement up and will leave it as that.
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