Although the likelihood of the Ebola virus turning into the Bubonic plague is slim, it is certainly the talk of the town.  Deadly viruses are a complex beast because of the uncertainty and what precautions must be taken.  Here in America our media makes it seem like Ebola can be spread by talking to someone else when there have been a total of 2 documented cases.  This isn’t Africa where we are rubbing our wounds together.

6-thriller-michael-jacksonWith the popularity of all of these zombie shows, they make you think that the living dead is an actual possibility.  Who says it isn’t?  Some scientist may believe that this is impossible but if Michael Jackson in Thriller was actually staring you in the face, you might sing a different tune.  I know I’d be screwed if it were to happen.  I have no weapons and no survival skill-set.

I’m certainly not concerned quite yet about catching any deadly virus but I have been feeling a little odd.  I’m pretty sure everything is fine.  Here is a recent selfie I shot.  See you soon!
