Laura and I went to The Barrel House on Bainbridge and they had one of the best beers I’ve ever had. We talked family and business matters which was pleasant. It’s now 9:26 and I’m sitting at the office taking care of matters that I think about but don’t usually get to. I know people are into specifics so I’ll give some insight into what I’m doing.
- I wrote a business associate who invited me to Europe an email asking what he has been up to because he left the company a few months ago for personal reasons. To describe this type of fellow: he invited me to Europe, his company paid for my accommodations in full, and then he left the company after spending 20+ years there. This is incredible hospitality and I learned that it makes you want to do business with someone who extends that much reach.
I wrote a business partner an email to set up a trip to visit an area of the nation which was prominent in slate decades ago but due to cost of production, has shut down. Since Jeff has been working with the company, I’ve been able to get out more and this is a trip I normally wouldn’t get the chance to make.
- I wrote a “mentor” an email asking if he would sit down and talk about various business that I’ve been getting myself involved in. This helps get an outsiders opinion of deals that I may be blindsided because I see it everyday.
Those few examples are only the tip of the iceberg and emails that I’m writing on my free time because we’ve been so busy with orders and taking care of normal business. I’m actually backed up blogging to the point that I can’t concentrate on writing good entries. The only thing on my mind is business and I’m fine with that.
I’ve been watching Shark Tank (a separate entry will occur on this show) and I understand that success isn’t granted by luck. Life is a relatively simple formula that the more you put in the more you take out. This is my time to make something happen and I’ve purposely set my life up like this. The reason I can focus so much of my energy on business is because I have nothing else in my life to focus on. I have exactly 0 “life” distractions. This is both good and bad but for the time being, this is my life path.
where are you going to visit?