Chad made this title so I figured I’d use this sentence to give him credit. As it turns out I won both of my tiger bets I made. He wore a black hat and shot under 70 for the first round. They had a stat on yesterday that said Tiger had never broken 70 in the first round of the majors EVER. Just shows that I was doing my homework before I bet. I really am amazed though how this guy just did that. He has so much media coverage and so much pressure from different areas to perform like that is really remarkable. I would think that his sponsors that dropped him will be really pissed off if he goes on to win this thing. I can’t really see any reason to dislike him other than the whole cheating on the wife thing but if he comes out of this situation a changed man, fine by me. I made a bet with the sheee for 100 dollars that he’ll be with Elin 5 years after their Thanksgiving debacle.

I’ve also encountered 3 ass clowns on the road in the past 2 days that I want to describe. Assclown 1 didn’t want to let me merge into his lane when two lanes were converging to one. I knew it was going to be a hassle the way he was spacing behind the car in front but the lane was ending and there really weren’t any other options. Be a nice guy and let the person in, that simple. Assclown2 was a female. She’s waiting in a lot looking to make a left. There is a huge line of cars coming in the lane she’s trying to get into but none coming the other way. I stop the line of cars effectively letting her in. She waits, and waits, and waits. I’m at a full stop at this point wondering what is going on, so I just assume she doesn’t want to turn and start to accelerate and guess what … she gets the hint and starts to accelerate at the same time so we are accelerating into each other together. We both slam on the brakes and I give a wild “go you stupid bitch” hand signal. Last time I try to be nice. Assclown three was at a light making a left hand turn. The light is green and there is oncoming traffic so he wouldn’t be able to turn. As the light turns yellow he is obligated to move into the center of the intersection and make the left turn when traffic stops for the red light. I could tell he wasn’t going to do it before it happened but I just think people have to understand this simple concept.

Bud Schmidt pointed out to me that my utensil was already created by some other braniac. However I’m sure his name wasn’t as brilliant as mine. Just so we are all on the same page and you understand what goes through my head, I name it the tri-eat. First, 3 different utensils to eat with, the basic behind the name. 2nd, it sounds like treat, and everyone would feel this was a treat to the utensil world. 3rd, it sounds like try it, which is perfect from a marketing stand point. Seriously, I’m a marketing genius.

I’ve been running a lot lately. I put in about 40 miles in the first 4 days of this week and I’ll post my running log sometime next week. I feel asleep at 7pm last night and woke up at 7am today. I did respawn at 2am to take my contacts out and brush my teeth but it was a rare Thursday that I didn’t go out. I feel good today and am looking forward to the weekend. If you are going to Riverpalooza let me know because I would like to attend but no one I know is really going.