I wrote this email to them and I’ll keep the correspondence updated.

Dear Radio104.5,

I think that your station plays the best music in the Philadelphia area however I have a few complaints / suggestions.  First off, anytime you are considering playing Pork and Beans, Buddy Holly or Beverly Hills by Weezer, please don’t.  These songs are ancient and there are plenty of other good Weezer song’s that you guys hardly ever play including Surf Wax America, My name is Jonas, Say it ain’t so, Island in the Sun, and Hash Pipe.  Other songs to never play is Viva La Vida, Paralyzer (still, I mean cmon), Gives you Hell, or the Pretender.  When you get the urge to play one of these songs play something by the Gaslight Anthem.  Channel 47 on XM has already started to play Old White Lincoln and you guys are completely missing the boat, although you did play a new Modest Mouse song today which was a wise move.  Here is a good song to play (2:08 to 2:30 is awesome) (I’ll embed it below).  Listen to me, ( I’m writing this like John Travolta says “look at me” in Get shorty) this band will make your listeners keep coming back to your station.  Also, I don’t know who the comedian is at your station but I was listening today and you were playing Zombie by The Cranberries.  At the one point in the song where it goes “your violence causes silence…”, someone turned the sound off when they were about to sing word silence.  I mean it’s really hysterical but probably unnecessary.   I really think your station is the best around, especially the one minute commercials, so keep up the good work and listen to my good advice.