Being the Captain

We have a bowling league that started up on Monday that is more official than the Manayunk league at Hi-Spots. You have to pay $10 to become a USBC member for the half year to allow you to play for the money involved. It’s sanctioned which allows the prize pool to take place. Last night was the 2nd week and I have already had a situation come up where the captain has to make a decision.

In Week 1, our entire team came into the league with 120 averages which is normal considering we have yet to bowl in the league. As such, we were all far better than 120 bowlers. This was the week 1 scoreboard.




When the standings came out, it says we were 3-1. In bowling leagues, you roll 3 games and the 4th game is total pins. All games are handicapped. Now considering we all entered with 120 averages, you can see by the picture that the other team was giving us 67 pins. There is about a 0% chance that we lost a game under these circumstances.

1-bowlingHere is where my moral issue comes in and I’m asking my blog audience what they would do. I can ask the league coordinator to see the scores of the games to see how we lost a game. It is possible that there is a justifiable reason we lost. This could be that they took our averages after we rolled and handicapped the game from there. It’s also possible that the game was so lopsided (which was no fault of our own but completely unfair coming in with a 120 average) that they gave a game to the opposing team because one of their members is the President of the league out of pity. Or I could say I don’t give a shit, it’s one game over the course of the season and it won’t matter in the long run. Plus if the game was handicapped accurately, it would have played out completely different because we would have been giving pins to start. I tend to not think it will make a difference but want to do right by the team. What should I do?

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By |2016-01-26T15:17:29-05:00January 26th, 2016|Sports|3 Comments

The 258 Special

The Dude abides. Here are our text messages before a career game.

Bowling Screenshot

Bowling 2

Bowling 5

Bowling 3

That set up 3 person bowling at Facenda Whitaker. I brought my shammy cloth to wipe off the oil of the house ball.

originalFarva: What’s this?
[playing with cloth]
Rabbit: A chamois cloth.
Farva: Ha. Lucky guess. I just lost a buck. To myself.

Big Wevs came out of retirement throwing the dice ball and won the first game. The Dude took game 2 rolling a 225. I even added the pic on Instagram using the caption “rolling a casual 225 on a Thursday night”. I was pretty proud of myself besting my old high of 214.

Wevs took game 3 by ousting the Wads with 2 strikes in the 10th. This set up the magical 4th game. The Dude opened frame 1. Hardly ridden with negative feelings that the game was lost, the Dude rolled 8 straight strikes. Wevs has the video which I’ll try to get. I spared the 10 and striked my final ball for a 258. Career high and admiration from the entire alley. Especially the HIGH school stoners next to us.

A 258 game

The party ensued afterward and now I sit waiting for my next opportunity for a perfect game. Hilarious text after it happened.

Bowling 4

The 258 is a bit below an ace in golf but still a decent accomplishment. I had a few Jersey’s in the run so it was hardly ideal but I’ll take it. I finished 6 games with a 185 avg, the Wads was 173, and the Wevs dropped to a 155 after barely breaking 100 his last game due to thumb concerns. Also noted was Wads losing the first 5 games and being down 30 bucks and coming through in the final game with a 200+ to break even.

By |2015-02-13T11:52:11-05:00February 13th, 2015|Sports|3 Comments

Last Few Days

The title might make you think I was going somewhere or doing something exciting but I’m not.  I’ll just run through random bs from the last couple days.  My friend Evan said that it really doesn’t even matter what you put in a blog as long as it’s something to keep people unbored.   I had 32 people visit my site on Friday.  32!  So that’s a start.  Once the domain name gets established hopefully I’ll hit triple digits one day.

Here’s a recap of my weekend highlighting the major points.

– Bowled a 213 last night ending my streak of hundreds of non 200 games.

– Shot a 89 on a par 66 course which wasn’t very good.  I feel like I play down to the level of the course which is one of the reasons I never want to play there again.  Walnut Lane and Twining Valley are currently the only 2 courses on my list.  Slow greens, indistinguishable fairways, awkward lies…   If they sold beer on the course I would reconsider.

– Lost 125 dollars Saturday night at 3am playing someone heads up for 115 dollars each game.  Won the first and lost the next 2.  I was under the influence at the time.

– I’ve only went to the gym once in the last week and stopped running for a while so I feel like a piece of shit.  I don’t know how people can go through life never exercising.  I intend to pick up my routine this week.

– I went car shopping for a new TL.  It’s constant haggling with these clowns.  I have time on my side so I’m not rushed into anything but I have the feeling I’ll cave sooner rather than later.  I was offered 1500 down and $530 a month which would include the money I still owe on this car.  I think this price is too high and if anyone who reads this has experience with recent car sales, I’d be happy to listen.

– I got a new Storm for 200 plus a 50 dollar mail in rebate from Verizon.  I told them that I want to speak to their cancellation department if they weren’t going to let me upgrade 4 months early.  They gave in pretty easily and I got a storm with new found insurance.  I really don’t even want the storm but I’m tired of my current phone and am looking for an upgrade.  I’m sure I’ll be writing about the good an bad about it once I get it.

Finally I want to send off with a funny video.  Only the last 15 seconds are funny but you have to watch the full minute to take it all in.

By |2010-01-25T23:02:23-05:00May 11th, 2009|Sports|0 Comments

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