I’m sure people who view this web site regularly will think it’s pretty weird that I use Katy Perry in my Photoshop attempts but you have to understand that I have to practice to get better and she serves as a good model. Combine this with the idea that she probably gets searched more than anyone beside Gaga and Rihanna and this gives me hope for an influx of traffic. This would actually be a tad bit incorrect thinking based on past results and the incredible traffic I received from Brandi Passante a few years back. That traffic hit me because there weren’t a lot of other pictures in cyberspace about Brandi. Katy Perry probably has millions which would leave anything I do in the depths. Nevertheless, I still have to continue practicing and she works out fine. Call me a creep, I don’t mind. This was actually two backgrounds combined which is more advanced than what I was doing before. Give me another month and I’ll start producing some finer work.
Sick lightning – 9.5 out of 10.