Drinking coffee was an addictive phase for me. For the majority of my life I had never touched a cup of coffee. Then one day about 2 years ago I went to Dunkin Donuts and got a bagel and decided to get the combo with coffee instead of only the bagel. As the weeks rolled on I found myself urging the bagel combo with coffee more often. With what began as a morning breakfast started to turn into an everyday affair with a medium coffee, cream and sugar. I even evolved into Wawa coffee on evenings to help facilitate any work that needed to be done. I’ve decided that enough was enough, quitting coffee is going to happen.
Caffeine is obviously one of the tamest drugs considering there are hundreds of millions of drinkers around the world and you are not called an addict if you drink coffee. However, no one can argue that the longer you drink it, the more you need to drink to catch a buzz. I never elevated past a one cup per day, medium size but I know if I continued on this pace, I would. I drank coffee because it gave me the feeling of “waking up” in the morning and it would always lead to a nice morning deuce.
Why have I decided to stop drinking coffee? It’s purely an experiment. First to show that I can stop drinking it even though it has an addictive nature. The second is to see if I feel better without coffee in my life. After the first almost week without consuming it, I don’t really notice much of a difference either way. Aside from the natural addictive instinct to “want” coffee, it doesn’t seem to impact negatively or positively either way. For this post, I did some minor research on the ill effects and didn’t really come up with anything horrifically bad on why I should quit drinking it. That being said, I’m going to continue on this scientific path and expect to launch into the stratosphere by eliminating a drug from my life.
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