I don’t have anything to really post so I’ll make this quick. We lost in bball again, giving us an 0-7 record heading to the playoff game, singular. I airballed one from 13 feet, wide open. I can’t really explain why my skills have deteriorated but it’s becoming more evident year after year. We also have no height which hurts when we play against a 6-6 guy who has some talent.
I also deposited in stars again. I played 350 hands last night for a net loss of $3.50. I still have to grind out my bonus. I’ve been watching a couple cardrunners videos and I feel like my game at the stakes I’m going to play is superior. When I lose, and I look back on why I’m losing, it’s due to bad bankroll management and lack of focus. I just go on cruise control and don’t really think about what I’m doing. So it’s good I took a couple week break because I feel like I can play well again.
I watched the Graduate w/ Dustin Hoffman which apparently was a 4 star movie but I thought it was awful. It pretty much displays how stupid females are in the late 60’s. If you haven’t seen it I wouldn’t really recommend it.
I’m excited for the Wing Bowl tomorrow. I’ll try to get as many pictures with strippers as I can so I can post them on this site. These next hours after work should be fantastic. Today is like Friday so I’m pretty pumped.
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