My post count has been low the last few days. Mainly because I’ve doing rather than writing. With Laura’s wedding, some golf, and now JKash’s wedding, I haven’t found the time to sit and put some effort into posts. This makes sense though because in past years I would have recapped every little thing that happened in the past few days and thought that I was making a quality post. With almost 1,500 posts in the books, I have to keep up with what I believe is improving the blog. This doesn’t mean that Laura’s wedding wasn’t one of the most important things in my life, it means that I’m not a person who signs up for a marathon and has my camera out as I cross the finish line. My goal in life isn’t to get material for this blog so other people can enjoy what I have to share. A better approach, for me at least, is to make the most out of those events WHILE THEY ARE HAPPENING. So as this blog has developed, I’m trying to put more thought into the quality of the post before I just post it.
All that being said, my schedule will free up after Jon’s wedding and I should be able to concentrate on coming up with quality posts. Good posts aren’t created while your in the doing phase. They happen by coming up with a good topic and then filling it up with meaningful points and facts / ideas to back them up. Why do you think the rapitiude guy only posts once every 2 weeks? So moving forward I may be producing less posts, but hopefully better posts. I do have a feeling the new Arrested Development episodes will takeover the blog…
JKash references…keep em coming.