Two things that go along with this video that makes it post worthy. The first is that I caught it on David Blaine’s twitter feed which isn’t half bad. The video itself is pretty trippy and brings me back to the one time I did shrooms. Yes, it was about 10 years ago and never forget that drugs are bad mmmmmkay!. That’s besides the point because one thing that I love about youtube and is highly underrated is the comments. The first comment in this video is “Bit dangerous isn’t it? I nearly crashed my car at 1:35.” The comment is unbelievably hilarious because there is no doubt in my mind idiots would try something like this while driving. I’ve honestly stopped texting and driving completely because I watched some numbers show on National Geographic that said you are 23x more likely to get in a an accident while texting. That was actually enough of a reason to stop for me. Enjoy the video.
Oh Tom, tut tut. I don;t know whether to laugh or do a facepalm. The comment you refer to is unbelievably hilarious because it was DESIGNED to be.
I was the person who left the comment on youtube “Bit dangerous isn’t it? I nearly crashed my car at 1:35”
The really funny thing is that I don’t even drive, I don’t own a car. I was sat in a hotel room in Bangkok when I posted that comment. It was supposed to be a joke (plenty of other people seemed to understand that)
Unfortunately, now there is no doubt in MY mind that some people would genuinely believe that someone could be driving along watching a youtube video for nearly two minutes and not crash. Did you seriously think that this comment was real??
It was a joke pal! Please tell me your senses at least considered that 😀