Except I know exactly what I’ve been getting. I know the blog material has been pretty static but I’m pretty much living/wasting life away. I tallied a new best time in a 3 mile run on the Track Tuesday clocking in at 16:50. This is boding well for the 5 miler on February 18th. I also had a nice dinner with Laura at Farmicia where we talked about a lot of good topics and I thought the food was pretty average to be honest. We both sort of agreed that we need to be more outgoing and make more of an effort in various forms. I also think she talked me into the New Zealand trip to visit Jeff. I was pretty much on the fence because it’s a decent sized expenditure and it’s in a land that 22 hours away. Most likely though I won’t get the opportunity so I think I’m just going to commit and be done with the hesitating.

An odd thing I did last night was crush a mouse that was stuck on a sticky trap. Someone called me and asked if I could do it because they didn’t want to touch it and I said I would. I was pretty emotionless at ending the mouse’s life. This lack of emotion struck me as odd too when Laura asked if I would be excited to go to New Zealand and I pretty much was like ellipses. For some reason I just don’t get emotional at everything. I’m not sure if I’m programmed that way or what but it’s hard to explain what triggers emotion in me. I’m not emotionless 100% but it just takes the right formula for striking it in me. Crushing the mouse is also different because I almost feel like I’m doing it a favor. You set the traps to get rid of it, it gets caught and is stuck and living and you can’t just set it free. It’s like just get it over with. I feel like these are character traits of murderers…