I’ve decided to bring more of a structure to the blog. I’ve wrote about this before but never changed anything. Basically I’m going to take a theme and apply it to each day. This will make the posts more consistent and (hopefully) entertaining. I’m open to new ideas but I’ll give you what I initially came up with. I also don’t know when I’ll begin because I should probably have a few ideas before putting it into action.

Music Mondays – I’ll pick a band and list my top 5 songs from them
Tabloid Tuesdays – Some strange story about some famous schmoe
Wanking Wednesday – A random hot piece of ass ala barstools “smokeshow” of the day
Thirsty Thursday – Maybe I’ll review some beer that I’ve drank or some random drunk story
Fun Fact Friday – Some obscure fun facts or random knowledge
Saturday Night Movie Review – A review of random movies
Sports Sunday – Some sports story or stat analysis

I think that would cover a range of different topics and give me something to write about with having a basis for creativity. I’m really open to any suggestions if someone thinks they have a good topic to write about over a length of time. Also these names were off the top of my head so I’m pretty sure I can do better. Also, I write more than 30 posts in a month so these would still be intermingled with my regular posts about whatever. Relatively good idea?