I’ve decided to bring more of a structure to the blog. I’ve wrote about this before but never changed anything. Basically I’m going to take a theme and apply it to each day. This will make the posts more consistent and (hopefully) entertaining. I’m open to new ideas but I’ll give you what I initially came up with. I also don’t know when I’ll begin because I should probably have a few ideas before putting it into action.
Music Mondays – I’ll pick a band and list my top 5 songs from them
Tabloid Tuesdays – Some strange story about some famous schmoe
Wanking Wednesday – A random hot piece of ass ala barstools “smokeshow” of the day
Thirsty Thursday – Maybe I’ll review some beer that I’ve drank or some random drunk story
Fun Fact Friday – Some obscure fun facts or random knowledge
Saturday Night Movie Review – A review of random movies
Sports Sunday – Some sports story or stat analysis
I think that would cover a range of different topics and give me something to write about with having a basis for creativity. I’m really open to any suggestions if someone thinks they have a good topic to write about over a length of time. Also these names were off the top of my head so I’m pretty sure I can do better. Also, I write more than 30 posts in a month so these would still be intermingled with my regular posts about whatever. Relatively good idea?
like the idea…can’t wait for Wednesday
This is probably your best idea in the last five years. Extra credit for the triple alliteration on Friday. Don’t let it deter the random spur of the moment posts though – maybe indicate the offshoot in the title or something
Wow, that’s encouraging. I’ll note the extra enthusiasm for more alliterations.
This next thought is gonna be why the Shee calls me a retard. Evan – Why did you pick 5 years? Was I coming up with good ideas 5 years ago?