I had a really productive week at work last week which had me feeling pretty good heading into the weekend. I don’t have anything real exciting from Friday night except playing some beer pong with Ck4ii. Beer pong is one of my most inconsistent games to play and sometimes it feels like I’m trying to hit a shot glass instead of a solo cup. I woke up early on Saturday and watched the King’s Speech which I found entertaining for the full two hours. Colin Firth was really amazing. I know this isn’t new info but still. After that I went to the gym and ran 4 good miles which was a unique feeling after a night of drinking. Then I went to hang out with the Shee and company at Frankfurt Hall in the city where we watched the SF-NO game. I put a hundo on the Niners which worked out well. I was going to roll the account on the Broncos but couldn’t make the bet on my phone which was obviously fortunate. I also bet on the Ravens -8 which failed to cover on Sunday. Shee saved the day though and made a parlay on the Giants +8 and the over which nailed for a risk 40, win 100. This juiced up my bodog account heading into the Superbowl which is always a nice feeling. To cap off the weekend we (Bake, Shee, and Me) went bowling which was actually a really good deal at 2 hours of bowling for 15 bucks. I think we rolled about 7 or 8 games. I was up 4 bucks heading into the last game against the Shee and somehow we managed to bowl a 128 to tie moving into a 1 frame roll off which I lost. I think it’s funny how I will wager hundreds of dollars on football games and a 6 dollar game of bowling seems expensive. That pretty much summed up the weekend. Thrilling I know.
It’s MLK day today and I expect a slow day at work. I’ll probably leave a bit early and catch the end of the Sixers. It’s a little cold out to boot.
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