Hitting another blog visitor highpoint yesterday with 1,415 daily visits. Attributed to Storage Wars as per usual and I learned an interesting tidbit on how Google operates. Lately, I’ve been creating a post about the new Storage Wars episode as it’s airing. This gives me the first crack at any new searches which amazing happened last night. They had a new character on the episode named Nabila and I made mention of it in my blog post 2 entries ago. I received about 100 visits of people searching for “Nabila Storage Wars” last night. I googled it myself about an hour after it aired and my site was the #1 ranking for that search with no others being relevant. I just did it again today and I’ve dropped to 4 behind A&E (who created a page for her after it aired) and Wikipedia but to see that my site is still up there should give a good indication that being the first site to display content holds some value. Something to also notice is that reputation is another big factor in climbing the searches which should be obvious. I still haven’t figured out how to get people to read my content as the majority tend to bounce but I’m working on that. People like controversy and that is what will get them to stay.

I wrote a post a while back on Lindsay Lohan and why her career is dying. Unless you live under a rock, you’d know she recently posed for Playboy. Some good material of Lindsay Lohan Playboy pics can be found at that link7 . My only problem with them is it’s not like she’s Lindsay Lohan. People want to see Lindsay, not her dressed up like Marilyn Monroe. Killer bod though and great rack. I just feel like this could be any actress and not the cutie from Mean Girls. Nevertheless, I would be surprised if this brought some attention to rnningfool.com which is truly my goal in life.