I woke up at 6:45 feeling good and ready to run 13.1 miles. I wasn’t really hungry and didn’t feel dehydrated whatsoever. I ate 1 cinnamon pop tart and drove to the race which started at 8. I met up with my mom and sister at my corral (2) and basically told them I’m just looking to finish. Now, I looked back at some of my past results and was 1:24 last year and 1:19 both years before that. My expectation was somewhere between 1:20 and 1:30.

I started the race slower than previous years with the plan to not die after 10 miles. I crossed the 4 mile mark at 26 which was even a little faster because of the delayed start. I felt pretty good throughout the beginning and ran a 6 minute mile between miles 4 and 5. I can’t remember my exact time but I hit the covered bridge, the 9 mile mark, still feeling like I had some juice in my legs. At this point of the race I had probably passed hundreds of people and was only passed by a few which was an advantage to starting slow. At mile 10 I started to lose pace a little bit and people started to catch me. I sort of finished the race in a relatively slow pace but it wasn’t a crawl like last year. My clock time was 1:23:30 and I expect that to drop by 30 seconds to a minute. I felt pretty good and was just happy to finish. I’m glad it’s over with for another year.

Sunday’s are one of my favorite days of the week because of football, specifically for the fantasy aspect. I also am play the Wevs in a Fanduel match which should also add some excitement. I’ve been going back and forth between Vincent Jackson and Santana Moss. I have Gates on the team and just think Moss is going to have a huge game. With Marshall and Andre Johnson as my other WR’s, I’m sort of torn. I also couldn’t decide between Fred Jackson, Joseph Addai and James Starks. Lots of mediocrity. I’m also in agreement with Evan in Dallas -3 and I took the Chiefs +8.5 because I think they just weren’t ready for week 1. On to football.