I was quite annoyed trying to get hooked up with HBOGo because when the Comcast account got put in my name, all of the usernames were still Evan’s. I had to call them and try to change it but they weren’t letting me because they needed to send a pin to our landline (we got a phone to get a better deal) which isn’t hooked up. Since I couldn’t get it, they said they’d have to mail it which didn’t please me. Fortunately I knew Evan’s favorite animal’s name and was able to log in as him and switch my password which got me access to HBOGo.
This turned out to be wonderful timing because I’ve been watching the Soprano’s on DVD and only got through 2 seasons. Now I have every season on HBOGo and will never have to spend another dime. Plus they have all episodes from EVERY series. Game of Thrones, the Wire, even Flight of the Conchords. Now I get a chance to watch 6 Feet Under for no cost (aside from my subscription). Not only do they give you access to series but also movies, documentaries, and their Late Night Programs. Now that I’m an adult, I didn’t even feel guilty about what they had on there. I don’t care much for their reality sex shows like Cathouse, Katie Morgan, and Real Sex but I saw they had a few of their softcore movies which I checked out. Alien Sex Files 3 was extremely boring and all the colors were a bit funky. The quality was better than what you find on spankwire but the action is just lame. The girl fake moans and I can’t get over the fact that it’s acting to enjoy it, although the Alien Housewife was pretty hot but after one scene there isn’t much more she has to offer. They should be using a different girl every scene for variety. I haven’t watched a softcore porn scene in years by the way and can say frankly that the what’s on the internet is better.
In terms of quality, it is watchable. It’s not as good as DVD but I wasn’t too thrown off when I watched a few episodes of Sopranos. I’m sure it depends on your graphic card as well. The sound is good and it fits nicely widescreen on my 23″ monitor. If you don’t have HBO, HBOGo should be reason enough to get it. There is hours upon hours of entertainment on it. Just the fact that you can catch up on awesome series is enough to make you subscribe. I give this 2 thumbs way up.
So not only did you identity theft my account, but now I have trails of Alien Sex Files on it?
Don’t forget housewives from another world and busty cops and the jewel of denial.
I don’t know what the jewel of denial is but it sounds intriguing