CK4 asked me to post this although I made him quite aware my readers don’t participate. He is also is much more obsessed with this issue as I made sure to tell him it’s pretty mundane. Here’s what happened. He purchased a new car a few weeks ago and his old car had $275 dollars worth of damage (wear and tear). In negotiating for the new car, the dealership agreed to pick up this charge. They took this charge off of the down payment originally negotiated. Now, a few days ago he rec’d a check in the mail from the dealership for $275. Essentially he is receiving this money twice from the dealership. I want to add that this amount of money will not change his living situation and he has no major debts to pay off. Would you cash the second check and take advantage of the dealerships stupidity or be fair and return the check?

As if the fact that Wagon could negotiate with these people to give him $275 isn’t evidence enough that this company should be out of business, not having your people keep track of this is embarrassing. Cash the damn check and hit those tards where it hurts, their wallet (obviously 275 isn’t a big deal at all but you get the point).
This JUST happened to me. My bank ATM had a glitch and accidentally DOUBLED the amount of cash I deposited in addition to my original deposit. This number would have significantly helped me out. I discussed the issue with the bank and yes, they are taking out the money, which I’m sure would have happened anyway had I not said something. I still would not have felt right taking the money. Would you?
I agree Sam on this one. If they are stupid enough to send it, I’m stupid enough to cash it. Now, I’m not unreasonable and if they said they made a mistake, I’d put up no fuss in returning the money. The logic of doing the right thing would stand behind the decision not to cash it but to do it for “karma” reasons is absurd. Also anyone who just clicks view results instead of voting on this post, I would prefer you just stop reading my blog.
If you are one of the four people who voted ‘yes’ to cashing it, I want to know who you are!