My sincere apologies for a mere 26 posts this month. I was away for two weeks out of the month and just haven’t been putting much effort into the site. However, things will be getting back on track as I have moved out of vacation mode and back into the everyday routine. There is a sense of comfort in my everyday routine. I’m still not eating all that healthy but I put in real work outs and their is a sense of productiveness by going to work which isn’t found on vacation. Also, I always feel like my finances start spiraling out of control when I’m not in my routine. It’s like I’m constantly spending cash on vacation. Anyway, I’m happy to be back and will start living as per usual again.

I put in some nice times on the track yesterday. My usual workout is running 3/4 of a mile to the track and then running 3 straight miles on the track to get a sense of what kind of shape I’m in. Being almost recovered from my ankle injury, I’ve been able to move from sloth back to my former self. I busted out a 5:45, 5:50, 5:35 trio of miles yesterday which had me at about 17:10 for 3 miles. I was quite pleased that at this point in the season I was capable of these times. After that I ran some 4’s and even and 8 and felt pretty good. I’ll be doing the Phil’s 5k and the 10k Mud Run in July so I should be ready assuming nothing goes wrong.

I purchased the Game of Thrones series (book 1) and am about 1/3 of the way through the 600 page book. I’m pretty impressed with the way the book is set up in 10 page chapters and holds the viewpoint of the character. It makes for easy reading. Also, after watching the HBO season before reading the book, I sort of know what is going to happen but I’m still entertained. I pick up on things that never would have struck me if just for the show. The best part is there are 3 more books after this one so I’ll have plenty to keep me occupied considering I can’t put the book down.

Just to comment on True Blood’s season premiere. Wtf. The opening scene with the fairies was just bizarre. The whole Bill Compton being a rich, political figure is just weird. The Lafayette / witch thing is also bizarre. I’ve liked True Blood in the past and I just hope it doesn’t spiral out of control and get silly.