Pretty tame weekend. Went to Horsham Valley to golf on Friday. I hit the ball reasonably well but my short game still needs some work. I was 93 or 94 which isn’t very good on a par 66 but I did 5 putt a green and give away stroke after stroke. I also played on Sunday at Limeklin. The course is in really good shape and for 30 some dollars after 3:30 was a pretty good deal. We played blue-red and I was able to get off the tee pretty well but had the same issues putting and inside 75 yards. I was 52 on blue and 45 on red for a 97. I decided to drink a 6 pack on the back nine after butchering the blue course. It obviously helped as I was able to string some decent holes together.

I went to the shore on Saturday and then to Ac later in the day. The weather was nice but not quite as warm as I would call ideal. I got some sun though. I dropped a couple hundred in AC playing blackjack. It was one of those sessions where you just can’t get anything going. I don’t think I won 3 hands in a row one time throughout maybe 6 shoes. So it goes.

If you are familiar with the last line of my last paragraph you would guess that I just finished the book slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut. I found the book to be interesting throughout although I bit unusual writing style with all the short, choppy paragraphs. I’m not sure how much I can really write about it because although it kept my interest I didn’t follow the time traveling and the themes behind it. I’ll read the wikipedia page on it but I’m sure I’m a dolt who didn’t get the real messages behind the book.

Other than that I went running both sat and sun for short distances. 4 on Saturday and 6 on Sunday. I literally died on Sunday with 2 miles to go. I don’t know if it was the heat or what but I wasn’t pushing myself that hard but I just lost all strength and stamina at the later part of the run. I’m not too worried though as I will be in shape come May 10th.