I have nothing to do on this fine Sunday Evening so I’m going to commit some time to creating some entertainment for the bored. I have Bruce blasting which I would attest to being fabulous blogging music. Racing in the Street my new Bruce favorite which was recommended to me by Gusto. At this point I’ve come to realize a few things about my blog:
– People care more about a lack of boredom then me personally. I completely accept this and my duty is to make this exciting so you can waste a few minutes of your boring day reading about my boring day.
– My blog’s traffic is up to 200+ viewers a day which is leaps and bounds ahead of anywhere it’s ever been previously. However my bounce rate is through the roof and you’d be amazed at how many people come from France, Italy, Indonesia and Brazil. How are these people even reading my blog let alone finding me. One thing is for sure though, google is ranking some of my pages for whatever reason. My new biggest search terms are Ashley Banks and Alex Mack.
– After watching the Social Network it’s not about making money, it’s about doing something that is cool. Or at least as cool as I can make a blog.
– I’ve gotten significantly better at creating posts that google likes. My stupid Holy Cross coach pushing the kid is bringing in searches left and right. Ck4 also pointed out to me that the coach, who eventually quit, used to teach us back when we were little at Germantown Academy basketball camp.
– I think the next step to my insignificant life is to take a creative writing course or at least learn how to write properly. I don’t necessarily look at this as a career but certainly a fun hobby that if I could create good content, I could devote some time to getting better at it. You don’t just get good at things because. It takes work.
– A final thing I noticed is how easy it is for my to crank out material on a Sunday when I don’t feel like shit from drinking on both Friday and Saturday (this week was just wed, thurs, fri…). I feel perfectly normal and good and I think that this upcoming week will be a good one. There are plenty of activites lined up for the weekend and the weather is turning. Enjoy.
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