I don’t have any content for a full post on any one topic so I’ll sum up some dumb parts of my life in bullets.

  • weens2Sam rolled a 599 series last night to lead our team to a 3-1 victory. I had a chance to win game 2 if I turkey’d out but only hit 1 and missed the 2nd. I had no feel for spare pick ups last night but had plenty of strikes to maintain my average. The bowler who had the lowest series had to wear the snake out of the alley. When we were discussing the penalty of the snake hat Jordan said, “good, I’ll never have to wear the snake hat.” Evidence to the right.
  • I won a few bucks in DraftKings over the weekend but am still down 50 for the season. What’s odd is that I didn’t use any of my resources other than Evan Silva’s matchups and did better than when I use PFF. I also nailed 14 out of 16 in the Pigskin Pick’em to set the high total for the week. Once again using nothing but my huge brain. My huge brain also managed to lose 10 more units on 3 bets which puts me down 30 for the season. Technically 31.5 with juice.
  • fantasystandingsThe fantasy football Dynasty league is shaping up for a 3 way dog fight for the 6th playoff spot. It’s unfortunate it’s against people I like (Bud and Sam). I have the highest projection of the week and am looking to kill Adam by more than 20. I need to beat Sam by 22 and have Bud lose. I’d put my chances of getting in at about 25%. So you’re saying there’s a chance.

My Amazon Results
