Madison Ivy is a fascinating, unique individual. She does/did porn which keeps her out of the conservative’s public eye but she’s a fan favorite among all males. If you haven’t heard of her you are probably lying. I’d say she’s my #2 of all time between a tie at #1 with young Jenna Jameson and young Bree Olsen. She is also my most read post which is urging me on to write a sequel on her story.

I reviewed her Twitter feed for this post and prior to her car accident, she posted mostly promotion for her porn. Post – accident it’s mostly her drawings and insights into her life which are far more interesting.

Life Facts:

She got into a car accident and was nearly killed

420madisonivyFor anyone who doesn’t know, I won’t be posting stuff for a while. I was the passager in a car accident about 10 days ago, I’ve been in the hospital ever since. I fractured my spine and tore my stomach open, it’s going to be a long slow road to recovery. I can still move my legs luckily, but i will be off my feet for a month maybe 2, maybe longer we are still unsure. All things happen for a reason and I am just happy to be alive. Live life, love, rave and just know even when life is hard you have love of good people around you. #spreadloveandpositivity #SmileMore

She was home schooled

She likes Dragon Ball Z

She’s a great artist

She loves getting high

Post Accident

Early scene with Lexi Belle

Early scene with Lexi Belle

I’m enjoying Madison Ivy’s persona more as a normal person than a porn star. She’s obviously a beautiful, talented person who went the way of porn. I imagine most people don’t view pornstars as “normal” people and look down upon them for their sinful ways. I take the opinion as long as the person isn’t being mistreated and enjoys doing it (which I’m sure isn’t everyone), it’s how that person chooses to live their life. I’m blown away by Madison for a few reasons:

  • Oozes sex

    Oozes sex

    She evolved to be one of the greatest pornstars of our generation. I wrote this post back in 2013 and her stardom was still on the rise. Her scenes started as a little girl and moved into the consummate professional.

  • It’s amazing to see her artistic talents and to learn that she was home-schooled. She was born in Germany so I don’t know if that was a little town or if she was raised in the United States but it’s odd to see a home schooled person launch into success (maybe it happens all the time. I have no idea.) Seeing someone outside of society’s “normal” education system is awesome. Especially one like her.
  • I guess I like seeing people be themselves and I think she does that to her fullest. I hope her recovery continues in a positive light. Christ I feel like I know the girl after doing this research. Marry me.