i assume this post is a video blog. I say “assume” because i can’t view youtube at work, thus rendering your video useless to me right now. clearly, you’re not good at things.
September 30, 2010 at 1:35 pm
You’d think if you couldn’t view youtube at work, then you’d be able to understand that you wouldn’t be able to see the video while you were at work. I knew male models weren’t the brightest…
September 30, 2010 at 3:40 pm
I have no fuckin clue what you’re trying to say. English please.
September 30, 2010 at 5:09 pm
hahahahaha the end of that was the best part of any video you ever recorded. And the camera idea is a good one.
i assume this post is a video blog. I say “assume” because i can’t view youtube at work, thus rendering your video useless to me right now. clearly, you’re not good at things.
You’d think if you couldn’t view youtube at work, then you’d be able to understand that you wouldn’t be able to see the video while you were at work. I knew male models weren’t the brightest…
I have no fuckin clue what you’re trying to say. English please.
hahahahaha the end of that was the best part of any video you ever recorded. And the camera idea is a good one.
oh that last post was jordan by the way