It cracks me up when Ck4 says things like “I can’t wait for your blog post about the weekend.” I’m thinking “dude you’ve been with me for virtually the entire weekend and there’s nothing that I did that you don’t already know about so I’m not sure what you expect to read that you don’t already know.” It was a pretty standard weekend with us playing golf twice and going out to the bars on both Friday and Saturday. We hung out in Northern Liberties on Friday and Manayunk on Saturday. There were some interesting stories but none that I really find blog worthy. I intended to write about one but decided to go with plan B. I pretty much just feel like Monday and I have a decision to make at the end of this week about the 10 miler in Sea Isle. I’m not in any good enough shape to make me feel confident that I can do the race with any degree of seriousness which makes me think that just bagging it for a fun weekend is the better choice. Doing it though would be in the best interest of my body because I would have to abstain from alcohol all the way up until Saturday evening. I’m still on the fence.
I also broke my phone by putting it in the same pocket at my golf tees and either a tee or my key went through the screen. I don’t even mind not having a phone on me at all times. Aside from not getting my emails, I don’t have to worry about picking it up or doing dumb things when I’m drunk. The insurance program is really good though and I’ll have a new “refurbished” phone on Tuesday. This means that I lose all my blackberry messenger contacts which is annoying but I don’t really use it that much anyhow.
I thought True Blood was pretty good aside from all the gayness. I feel like nothing really happened but they just keep building the suspense to all the story lines. Entourage wasn’t bad either but they are just killing me with Turtle. I still can’t understand how he has such a main storyline. Drama steals the show and I obviously find Ari entertaining. The Ocho show was pretty lame and I’m starting to grow disinterested each passing week. He’s too nice to the girls. He should be hooking up with all of them and creating major drama.
I wish I had more to write about but this is what happens when you aren’t that exciting.
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