TC2ndplaceFinish28 posts left until I hit my 2,000 and last post for  I have thought about this decision and will continue to think about it over the next 28 posts.  I have been jotting down other ideas for websites and I’ve come up with 4 or 5 that I’d be excited to partake in.  I already have Gourlay on board for brainstorming and am awaiting Sam’s participation.  This is an open invitation to anyone who may have interest, not commitment, just interest.

brightskiesThe key to a good website is that it informs its readers with information that interests or improves them as a person.  This website doesn’t do either.  This website highlights my life which is only of great interest to me.  It’s time to move away from this format and I’ll probably use this as a tool for throwing out ideas of which direction to move.  I’ve spent years building this so it may not go away completely.  Maybe I’ll use it as a more personal blog with less updates instead of what it is trying to be as a mainstream website.   Good times ahead.