Today the 3 amigos got together at Mad Mexico. Who you ask? Sam, Gourlay, and myself are revolutionizing the world with these websites. Gourlay has jumped on board and purchased a domain name which is a committing step. Sam and I talk ideas on what works and what sucks. I’ve always said that the more people that participate, the better.
I think we’ve come a long way. Sam said tonight that looking back at the old posts is laughable. They suck. We obviously haven’t hit that next plateau yet but I think the material being delivered is constantly being upped. We aren’t the smartest people on the planet but we are honest and have an ability to stick with it. Persistence is important in any aspect of life. Life is short but long in the different ways. Something will come of this….I think.
After two months of being on here….my thoughts on what doesn’t work:
1. Long posts – If it takes someone longer than 2 minutes to read they’ll lost interest
2. Video/unoriginal content – People get that from other sites.
3. Ranking things – were not experts on these things so people don’t really care. Our opinion doesn’t really mean anything
4. Serious critique of anything. Kind of related to not being experts. We just come off as assholes.
5. Talking seriously about current events
This doesn’t leave much to write about so you still gotta do some of it
So they can’t be long, unoriginal, have ranks, or be serious critiques. We are left with short, original, light hearted, weak ass opinions or stories. I hope this isn’t pigeon holing us.
1. Sort of agree. I’ll read anything no matter the length if I find it interesting. Under normal circumstances though, I can’t be interesting for more than 2 minutes.
2. Something is better than nothing.
3. Ehhh, I’m not sure there is any merit in this. Most people have trouble deciding whether something is good or not. I don’t see much problem with taking a stand and putting your 2 cents behind it. Your kind of coming off like a pussy for someone who probably has strong opinions on everything.
4. Agree that we aren’t experts on anything and trying to justify points on something you know nothing about is pretty dumb. I do think though that if you’ve done something and know a lot about it, there’s no problem putting in your 2 cents.
5. I don’t watch the news.
The real question is (and a very difficult question to answer), why do people come to this site? If the answer is because they know us, than the simple answer to get more traffic is meet and befriend more people in real life. If there is no other reason people come, which I’m beginning to think is truth, I’m not sure it makes that much difference what we write about.
woa shots fired
Not saying we cant do these, I just think there are better posts. But if you want to generate content and post everyday you are going to have to do these.
I’ve been maintaining this site for 5 years and shit has come for it. I welcome any new opinions. You didn’t address coming off like a pussy. Are we looking for a balance between coming off like a pussy and coming off like an asshole?
Erlich says, “I need you to stop being a pussy and start being an asshole.”
I think you have to subtly be an asshole. If I have a critique on something I usually do it in a joking way. Mostly because that’s the best way I know how to. It doesn’t seem natural for me if I did it another way.
I guess different things work for different people and their way of writing. When I try to do the things I mentioned it comes off as forced and unnatural and awkward. But you guys can do it (I guess).
People dont like assholes but you’re not gonna get anywhere without being one. So yea find the in-between.
This is kind of crazy but I bet people find the comment section better than the posts most of the time. Dialogue (is it dialogue if it’s written?) between people gives a sense of connection to the reader and it doesn’t feel like it’s being forced on them the way that a post is.
Awwwwwwwwwwww kitties!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3