ncaa-tournament-television-ncaa-tournament-triviaAfter my hot start of picking the first 8 games right, I fizzled out and ended with 13 first round games. My betting also took a downturn after winning the first 2 bets with Dayton and Syracuse and pushing Delaware.  North Dakota state covered for me but then I hit a skid losing St Joes, Milwaukee, and Louisville.  I’m down about 100 bucks but it could be worse.  Everyone knows that the first round isn’t where the money is won so as long as your teams that you have going far are still in, everything’s good.

Jeff, Pat, Julia, and myself watched the games at a new bar in Old City called Bootleggers and it was pretty nice.  It moves away from the Old City theme of being old but it had a shot of moon shine and a beer for 10 bucks which was reasonable.  The food was decent too.  I’d recommend it for a spot to watch games.