Auf Wiedersehen

The Germany Alps

The Germany Alps

I head out of Philly today at 1:45pm on a plane to Dulles, and then a few hours later from Dulles to Frankfurt. I get to Frankfurt at 7am German time where I have a ticket to a high speed train to take me to Cologne. It was 71 Euros in case anyone was wondering and travels 200 miles in 1 hour. In Cologne there is a famous Dome which I’ll post through Instagram when I get there and you can see that updated on the feed to the right. That will mark my arrival.

I’ll have my phone and have limited data through 4g but when I get to the hotel, I’ll be able to connect to the Wi-fi and communicate with ease.  I wrote in a previous post not to contact me but I was only half kidding.  I don’t plan on spending much time in my room or on the phone as I have a lot to do in a little amount of time.  I plan on taking a good amount of pictures and learning as much about the culture as I can.  It’s really a whirlwind of a trip.

Do all German girls look like this?

Do all German girls look like this?

I’m only gone 10 days of which well over one day is spent in the air, train, or car.  People seem to think that fatigue is something to worry about on a trip like this but I’m not sure where that comes from.  I intend to sleep on the plane and spend 20 hours a day awake.  Who has any good stories about sleeping?  Either way it’s going to be quite a trip and hopefully one of many to come.  As in, I have such a good time, I can’t wait to go back and schedule more vacations to foreign lands.

My studying of German was fairly weak because I spent the first month or two not using DuoLingo.  Once I got into the DuoLingo program, I progressed much faster.  I sound like an American when I talk and it takes me about 5 seconds to figure out what each word means so if anyone is talking faster than that, I’m in some trouble.  Either way my go to phrase is going to be, “sprechen sie Englische?

The great thing is that I’m pretty flexible in my schedule and am pretty much winging it.  I have a tradeshow to attend for the first 3 days which is why I’m going but after that it’s all getting to know the people we do business with. Quite the opportunity if I do say so myself.  Like I wrote before, don’t bother checking back because I won’t be posting (although I suppose my Instagram or Twitter feed may have updates in which you should just follow me).  My return is 2/27 and my guess is I’ll have a 3 or 4 part trip report that I’ll compile over that weekend.  I’ll probably be posting links to the entries everywhere so if you are a regular reader, you’ll know when I return and am posting again.  I honestly expect them to receive major blog traffic as I know what I’m doing now and I know what to look for.  Posts of this caliber only come around so often and I expect to knock it out of the park which means it may take me a while to write them.  Either way, check back at the end of February.

Chances I meet Minka from Eurotrip?
