A common position for a biker.

A common position for a biker.

Maybe not every biker is an asshole but I know they’re out there. I’m running along today down Spring Garden and come to the intersection at Broad. The sidewalk runs straight into the street and you have to veer off to hit the crosswalk. The only way to get to that part is on the bike lane. I run off the sidewalk and into the bike lane and this obnoxious biker coming into me says something to the effect, “this is the bike path!” My first reaction was to yell, “fuck you.” Wisely I didn’t start a confrontation but I think it’s hilariously wrong to think that runners aren’t allowed in the bike path. Anyone who believes otherwise would be contradicting the fact that bikes are allowed to ride in the street with cars. If I asked that asshole today if bikes should be allowed to ride in the street I promise you he’d say obviously. What’s the difference?

As a driver I get pissed at bikers on the road. Jeff and I always disagree on proper bicycle conduct mainly because he rides a bike around and I never do. My contention is that a biker is extremely vulnerable and can get annihilated by a car if there’s one wrong move. I’m for a bike lane when there’s enough space. As long as bikers use judgement I have no problem with them but for some reason they tend to want to squeeze themselves in areas that they don’t belong. It just isn’t bright. I get the feeling that bikers think they are really slick and have total control of their bikes. Jeff has crashed and totaled 5+ bikes but I’m sure he believes he’s a world class cyclist. I have no issues with smart bikers the same way that bikers shouldn’t have problems with runners. Like a biker can’t figure out how to ride past a runner that I need to make sure I’m always off the bike lane. Lighten up and get serious.