I had an interesting text conversation which I took some flack over, it went like this:
Friend: Do you want to go to the Phillies Game tonight?
Me: Nope.
I was told that my response is a dickhead response and that I should write something to the effect “Thanks for the invite but I have something else going on.” I want to point out that most of the time my texting usually has some thought behind it for all those who think otherwise.
Here’s another example of a text I didn’t respond to and was questioned on why I’m being a douche and not replying to the text. What I would have wrote would be followed in italics.
Friend: Do you want to play golf at 3:30 at XYZ course?
Me: XYZ course is probably the last place on Earth (besides Twining and Walnut) I want to play golf at period.
Now you see why I don’t respond to every text that is sent my way. By not replying I was actually saving this person from hearing what my truthful response would be. I don’t sugarcoat things and I get to the point. I know people think I’m a dick for not replying to texts but most of the time my non answers are better said than what I would have wrote.
sometimes the unknown is worse than actually knowing.