So I was writing down a bunch of potential topic ideas on a receipt with a golf pencil in my car while trying to drive at the same time and not honk the horn and not crash. I don’t know where the commas go in that sentence so I’ll just omit them all. Or is that emit. Anyway, I lost the receipt and will have to come up with these ideas from the top of my head.

The main character of war movies never seem to get killed by random henchmen. I’m reading Game of Thrones and they have these huge battle scenes where are the main characters are fighting and with thousands of people fighting at the same time, they seem invincible to everyone but another main character. Omar getting killed by the little boy in the Wire is an exclusion to this even though it wasn’t a wild battle scene. My point is that it would seem easy to sneak up on a main character when he’s distracted and maybe stab him with a long spear in the back.

A raccoon corpse looking huge in the middle of the road gave me this one. This raccoon was huge, like 3 feet or so. I started thinking how big it looked and that made me think of how big other animals would look. That then made me think of how a human corpse would look. Considering I’m 6ft, I think it would look really big.

Forgetting something you tell yourself to remember. This happens to me all the time when I’m driving. A specific example, I’ll have gone on a run earlier in the day and will want to see how long it is by tracking the distance in the car. So I’ll get to the starting point and will remember the mile marker on the dash. I’ll start watching it being like, that’s a half mile, 1 mile, then I just start thinking about something else. By the time I park the car, I’ve completely forgot that I was even keeping track of the miles. This also happens with blog topics. I’ll think of one and be like, “Don’t forget this, just remember to not forget it.” Two minutes later I can’t remember what it was and feel like a tard.

I had other ones but I forgot them.