I’m not sure how often people check into this site to notice a few changes. You’ll see more links within the text and I’m going to start creating more internal linking to past posts. Obviously this is in an effort to increase traffic as I’m constantly learning more about maintaining a website and trying to create the best page possible. My traffic has risen dramatically as of late and I’ve been getting hits from all sorts of different keywords. My main problem is that I don’t really have much of a focus. I just think of things, see things, make up things and than create posts. Which is fine but I really need some better organization and a cleaner way of browsing the site. As is though I’ve been pretty happy with the new lay out and will continue to improve the site with anything I can think of. I always appreciate the comments both good and bad. I especially like bad comments. When the anonymous guy posted a comment that I didn’t know shit about football, that’s fantastic. I’m glad he felt strongly enough to write something compared to the people who read and move on.