I feel that this is just post I have to make because I haven’t done anything since Thursday. Ck4 and I took off on Friday to go golfing. We played a course called Springfield Country club in the Delco area. The course was pretty decent but nothing phenomenal. I’m going to start posting some golf course reviews of courses in the area for nothing more then some content. I think I finished with a 96 but I had a 42 on the back which shows the potential is there but I’m just not putting it together. That same point works the next day too when we played Raven’s Claw in the Pottstown area. Shee, Ck4 and myself got a 2pm tee time at the finest course in the Philly area. I’m going to devote an entire post to this course when I have the time because I really love the experience even though I shot a 107. Inconsistency led to a 12 on hole #9 and I really have no explanation other then no damage control and losing my head. Two holes previously I couldn’t get off the tee as well and hit the ball into peoples houses. Then on the next hole I hit a drive 40 yards from the green and got a 6 and then the 12 hit. The whole course is awesome though.

I didn’t go out last night and was asleep by 12. My body needed a break from the two late nights before. Nothing out of the ordinary really happened though so I don’t have much to write about the Manayunk night life. The long weekend is going by pretty fast as it’s 9:30 on Sunday and tomorrow is the last free day. I’m probably going to do some physical exercise today and try to hang out by pool for a while. I don’t know what type of activities are lined up for tonight. Not much valuable info in this post but I figure it’s better then nothing. For what it’s worth.