Today I thought about how much money I’ve spent in my lifetime on tips. Every time I go to the bar and order 1 drink, I tip a dollar. Say I order 10 drinks a night, which is 20 a weekend and 50 weekends a year. That’s 1,000 dollars a year. 1500 gross paycheck dollars. In one year I guess I tip casino dealers at either the poker table or blackjack close to another 500 dollars. Say I play poker for 6 hours, drag 20 pots and tip between 2-3 dollars, that’s 60 a session, 5 sessions a year and then to count drunk tipping to hot cocktail waitresses. Now I factor in tipping on food which I usually think 20 percent is reasonable. This could total 20 a week, 50 weeks and that’s another grand. So I just estimated 2500 after tax dollars that come directly from me and go directly to someone else. I pay someone 1 dollar to pour some beer and glass and give it to me. 20 percent to write down my order and serve my food and ask if I need a refill. People who work in the service industry always say that’s how they make their money, off tips, so don’t be stingy. I hear people say they need the money more than I do. That may be true but there’s a reason I have money. I don’t go to work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week so that I can spend it tipping anyone who is just doing their job. Anyone who reads this that lives off tips will probably think I’m a douche for this opinion but I don’t skimp on tips, ever. Even if the service is terrible I still believe in tipping. However, when I really go over my expenses this is one that I’m not sure people are even in the same arena when it comes to how much I blow. Sorry for no paragraphs, rants tend to not break.