In rare form I had no Thursday or Friday post. Obvious reasons for this could be because I got too wasted on both nights and didn’t feel like writing. This was not the case as I didn’t even go out on Thursday. I didn’t write up a Jersey Shore post either because I thought the episode was terrible. I’m actually writing this at 6:50 am on Saturday morning which is an extremely rare occurrence and I’m giving any weekend blog checkers, there aren’t many, something to read for a couple of minutes.

Why am I up at 6:50? Well I was actually up at 5:30 and this was for two reasons. First being that Ck4 is going to South Korea and he was making some noise earlier this morning and I heard him rummaging around. The second is that I went to sleep at 11pm on a Friday night. Why did this happen? Ck4 and I went to the bar for a couple of drinks after work. Earlier I even went to LA to play some basketball and get some much needed practice for our upcoming winter games. At this one bar we’ve made acquaintances with a bartender and he will hook up the food and drinks that we get and he even gave us a no cover card which means we never have to pay cover again, obviously. Since Ck4 will never read this because he won’t be back till Wednesday and I know he’s too lazy to check past dates, if it wasn’t for me, we wouldn’t be getting these hook ups in Manayunk bars. The bartenders realize I’m a generous tipping alcoholic and who better to have as a customer, so they do nice things to keep me coming back. So I think I drank at least 9 pints in 3 hours of sitting there and Ck4 had 4 and we were billed for 4. When we came back it was 10 or so and Evan’s not here for the weekend and Ck4 is going away so I was decently buzzed and just decided rather than go out creeping by myself and drink to oblivion, it was wiser to pass out and wake up the next day feeling fresh.

So I’m feeling good and I have ideas of grandeur for the day. I’ve already had WaWa for breakfast and I’m going to let this digest and then read about Lizbeth for a few hours before I go to the gym. I’ll do a work out at 9 am and then try to get in some bball games if they go off that early. If not I’ll go to the Pottstown outlets to return this pair of jeans I bought that were way to tight (i’m not a 32 like I was in high school). After that I got a play date lined up with the Sheee to watch the football games. I extinguished the money in my account so not betting on it is going to be difficult but I’ll manage. I have no real plans for the night but with a bball game tomorrow I should try to keep things in check. Other than that everything is good and I’m happy to be productive on a Saturday.