So there’s been an alarming surprise. My blog traffic has skyrocketed and it’s not because of me. I know I’m a terrific individual but believe it or not, people are visiting this blog for a completely different individual. All my hard work and details of my life are meaningless compared to the reason why people are visiting. I literally haven’t had more people come to my blog for the entire year and a half compared to how much it’s been up in the last two days. I’m honestly flabbergasted.

I had 50 people Saturday, 77 Sunday, and then 88 people on Sunday and the majority are searching for Suri Cruise photos. I’m considering changing the name to, then moving to LA and papa-razzing the shit out of that little girl. I could sell ads and probably make a fortune. Sometimes these things just fall into your lap and then you have to roll with them. If this blog develops into a shrine to Suri Cruise, you know I’ve sold out. If ads start popping up, I’ve sold out. If I start creating an imaginary narration of the life of Suri Cruise, I’ve sold out. For the people who have been reading my blog for its entire lifespan, I apologize. This might be a major transformation and I might consider just getting a new domain name or swapping it around. This new blog may have to be devoted specifically to childhood celebs.

Suri – If I blow up because you are more famous in your pinkie then I’ll ever be, I’ll send you a gift. For now though, this sacred temple will become a token of my appreciation. Let’s take this to the moon little girl, I’m shameless.