Long title but I couldn’t think of how to shorten it without it being more confusing.

5yUpjCUI tend to have many conversations where I have no idea what the person I’m talking to is talking about. This can range from global topics (about once a year) where I don’t know what’s happening in Turkey or a mix up when I’m ordering food (once a day) when a cashier asks if I want 2 or 3 and I can’t understand that they are talking about how many sugars I want (isn’t it predetermined?). This happens all so frequently that I’ve developed a system of going with it.

Just a funny gif to get you to keep reading.

Just a funny gif to get you to keep reading.

My first thought when someone is telling me anything is “does this person know what they are talking about.” I’ve pretty much determined that 99% of the time they don’t. A person has to prove to me that I should care about their points because the more someone thinks they know, most likely, the less they do. I respect it much more when someone tells me that they have no idea what they are talking about and this is only an opinion then people who preach gospel about any one topic. If you go through life remembering this little tidbit, you’ll be better off: most people don’t know shit but want you to think they do.

3kgV0RJESince you know, that I know, that I know nothing, you’ll read this post with the understanding that you shouldn’t listen to it. When people talk to me about the myriad of knowledge that I don’t know, whatever you do, NEVER ask them to explain it. Here’s an example, a person at a party  says to you “can you believe Hillary Clinton violated the FOI (people pretending to be smart love using acronyms) law?” There are 2 possibilities that can occur:

  1. You say you don’t know what the FOI  is and then the person immediately looks down on you, you ruin the flow of the question by having them explain it to you, and then you are in the middle of a conversation that is trending downward. I will say this would be an unusual lead in as an ice breaker.
  2. You say, “what a bitch.”
How I plan to talk to people after writing this post.

How I plan to talk to people after writing this post.

You obviously have never heard of the FOI law because you’re a normal human being who doesn’t give a shit about politics because they are corrupt and you are so far out of their world that even considering trying to join the party is a nightmare. So to respond in way #1 is asking for trouble (unless you really give a shit but then you probably wouldn’t be saying you don’t know what it is to begin with). #2 is following along and giving the person what they want. This is the key to life. Follow along with people because people love themselves and the world swims along if you play along. Obviously you know that learning is a crucial element to life so I’m obviously being one sided in this post because there are intelligent human beings on this planet but each conversation holds it’s own weight and it’s better to play along then get caught up. Question everything.